Living in a twilight zone

This phrase could well refer to our present situation, the “lock-down“ we are experiencing due to the corona virus.
Sadly, for many a state of isolation hinders access to normality and this distancing for some can have adverse social and mental effects.

Naturally, there will be less chance of face to face communication and debate with the silence at time being “deafening“.
Because we are social creatures – a prison like existence is disturbing and alters one’s perspective of life.

For those one may label “social animals” ` this new environment could alter a person quite radically, not utilizing the time for social introspection, but rather displaying much
gratitude for communication via smart phones, WhatsApp and the internet !

On the other hand, many will be happy to be isolated, akin to wearing blinkers and temporarily block out the realities of a demanding world.
Psychologists state that isolation does not numb the brain but can assist in eliminating the “background clutter“ and living with stress rather being inspired to be involved with worthwhile activities which time does not usually afford.

Living from “ noise to silence “- takes some courage and can throw one off kilt, but the rewards are many. Not often does one have leisure time to soak in a hot bath, read the book often tossed aside, re-connect via social media with people perhaps neglected due to life’s pressures and even re-assess ones attitudes to others.

Blocking off many of the worlds traumas temporarily, might substantiate the saying that “ignorance is bliss” and casting aside one’s halo associated with ‘Little Miss do-gooder“ is not being neglectful as there are times when thinking of self is healthy for body and mind .

Change is essential for flexibility and adaptability, and getting out of one’s comfort zone gives confidence when new challenges arise.
In conclusion Albert Einstein stated that “the monotony and solitude of a quiet life, stimulates the creative mind.“

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