Ostensibly, the content of articles is intended to be that of beauty, but veering away to some fascinating information on nature can be of great interest, therefore the following may intrigue readers `

The Dragon Blood tree is unique to the small island Socotra, off the mainland of Yemen, unusual in this dry area of the Middle East. The tree has an umbrella-like appearance, its long stem exuding blood-red resin if cut.

Dragon blood tree

The 1400-year-old Ginkgo Chinese tree, alongside a temple, shreds in November leaving a massive yellow carpet at the roots.

Gingko tree during autumn just before losing leaves - leaf peepi

The Angel Oak tree In Namibia has only a skeleton left, the very dry climate inhibits deterioration of what is left.

angel oak tree in John’s Island South Carolina

The Methuselah is said to be 5000 years old, but its location is unknown for its protection.

Old pine silhouette within sunset, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Fore

The Baobab tree is unique to Africa and is highly unusual; an upside-down type of tree with strange jagged-looking upper “limbs” and flowers that bloom at night with a sour milk fragrance, attracting much activity from bats and bush babies.

Old baobab tree

The Kauri tree in the forests of New Zealand is supposedly the most ancient on the planet, honored by the Māori – created as a keepsake and treasured for all children’s future.

Kauri trees at the North Island of New Zealand

In conclusion, trees are vital to mankind and the planet; forests are nature’s carbon collectors, they balance our precious ecosystem and supply essential oxygen.

Foods grown feed the masses and secure the ground cover from deteriorating by halting the erosion of soil.

Forests give shelter in dramatic climate changes, they give us lumber & compost in Autumn.  In essence, they are vital to the lives of humans and animals.