Around the 5th century BC, a famous Indian surgeon Sushruta identified diabetes and pointed out that the urine of diabetics was sweet enough to attract ants and sticky to the touch. He noted that diabetes affected the more affluent classes, and was related to the excessive consumption of rice, cereals, and sweet foods.
Furthermore, ulcers and weak eyesight dominated.
Much later in the 1880s, a British surgeon discovered that the liver stores a substance called glycogen; this being sugar in the blood, a cause of diabetes. Then arose the discovery of the hormone insulin; created by the pancreas to assist the body to utilize sugar, and that insulin deficiency can lead to obesity when muscle fat and liver cells don’t respond correctly.
Obesity and diabetes in the West are now so prevalent, being capable of causing heart disease and stroke.
Many in our communities have concerns, but do not make the very necessary lifestyle changes to create a healthy diet; approaching the best weight-loss foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts surprisingly, low-fat dairy, and whole grain starches.
With the above being warn-out, the writer, therefore, feels that it is significant to mention the ever-advancing technological methods to approach obesity.
Bariatric surgery – the most effective emerging with a margin of safety, utilizing anatomic procedures like duodenal resurfacing for the treatment of obesity.
Another method that has gained popularity is fat loss via injections, with liquid transportation occurring via the lymphatic system and liver; this being natural secretion.
Cool sculpting is gaining popularity, a non-surgical injectable ice solution to reduce fat under the skin is now one of the most performed cosmetic procedures.
Taking advantage of the sauna or steamer at your local gym or spa is a must ` benefits are shown to burn calories and effectively improve circulation.
In closing, for those desperate for a slimmer body, the above are well worth exploring.