How technology is changing the beauty industry

In order to define an algorism, put simply, it takes input (for example an ingredient) which produces an outcome (the completed recipe).

Algorisms are associated with artificial intelligence, abbreviated to AI which is ever increasing in the business arena to create patterns that predict the future and can even capture human behaviour.

In the realm of social media, computer-based algorisms can predict if a personality type is within the business forum, a sports lover,  a fashionista, adheres to categories of literature and movies that are appealing, plus characteristics helpful to establish a profile and capture the “personality type” resulting in a way forward to future sales.

AI is moving forward rapidly in the beauty and cosmetic industry.  Algorisms can analyze customer feedback posted on websites and social media in order that an entire make-over of the person can result.

An algorism can read and analyze a product before it is manufactured. For example, a mascara results in a loss of income if sitting on the shelves – it can then be altered due to customer feedback, boosting sales. A producer therefore can read and absorb likes and dislikes prior to manufacturing.

A virtual model’s full make-up can be criticized from forehead to chin enabling manufacturers to observe customer appeal.

Manufacturers of personal care like Matsimela, via AI could be made aware of its cleansing, hydrating, and fragrance properties and tattooed skin requiring a level of care.

The possibilities and realms are endless!