How wonderful to have one day dedicated to fathers, being recognised as special, this past Sunday on the 16th of June this year.
Fathers mean so much to millions of children who often under difficult situations still love and honour their dads, especially when parents live apart.

In the present South African climate, an endless number of fathers have an obligation to provide despite much poverty existing.
Sadly children can become emotionally unstable when observing how more affluent families can provide.
Besides the money issues a father is expected to uphold an image even during times when patience is tested. It is not always easy to control road rage with children in the vehicle, or belittle an ex-wife involving offspring in emotional entanglements.

A father is hugely powerful in a child’s life. Being playful, with verbal interaction, being affectionate and involved in education creates strong bonds and according to the experts will ultimately lead to a lesser risk of drug and alcohol addiction.

Society can forever pay homage to the fathers who have become heroes without expectation of glory being showered upon them.
A few very special men from our country and around the globe, having varying backgrounds deserve a mention here. These men have excelled and gone the extra mile for the good of their country, to build a better society and contribute to the less fortunate on the planet :

Dario Gouveia
A normal 9 year old Johannesburg boy [who will no doubt one day be a superb father] initiated an organization “Sole2sole” having noticed how many thousands of children were perpetually displaying bare feet. His mission truly paid off by collecting over 6000 pairs of shoes for poverty ridden children.

Andile Zondi
A single 38 year old dedicated dad, waded through trash collecting copper, brass and tin in order that his two daughters could be be educated.

Warrant Officer Andries Douglas
Used his personal income to feed and clothe homeless people, ensuring warmth during the winter months.
In addition he embarked on a trip on his motor bike travelling far and wide to empower farm workers.

Matrick Mbhelo
Left his truck to rescue an elderly woman who was trapped in her car during the recent Durban floods. Leaving the scene he was only identified later having risked his own life.

Aika Lal Sandil
Having a lowly job as a roadside tea seller in India, he came across an abandoned child knowing only his name. The local police insisted that the child be sent to an orphanage. However he decided to raise the boy as his own.

Dr Imtiaz Sooliman
For years he studied to become a doctor but left behind this academic life and created the “Gift of the Givers” in 1992.
This organization is highly respected due to his compassion and has given and continues to give assistance to millions throughout the world.

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