With Christmas not far off, this is generally a time for celebration in different parts of the world.
Within the Indian community, one may find lotus flower decorations, paper lanterns, and Mandala designs.
Whereas African people are well known for their talents; beading baubles and gnomes, birds and Santa, and cleverly twining strings of beads around plastic flower pots in which to place a tree.
The far Nordic countries have a great decorative advantage as they have masses of “genuine” snow, forests of pine trees, sleighs, and reindeer. Some even pride themselves that Santa Klaus originated here and dare we dispute this !!
Tradition appears to be withheld that the child Jesus was born at this time of the year, and therefore the celebrations amongst Christians are relevant.
It is no doubt, a great deal of fun for many ` wrapping parcels, laying out tables, writing well-wishing cards, and pulling crackers, a children’s delight!
On a less festive note, the World Economic Forum reminds us of the masses of throw-away food rotting – releasing tons of methane gas, including carbon impact due to a greater number of people traveling.
With such a massive movement of nomads worldwide, some companies have diminished bonuses in order to distribute food parcels to the less fortunate in tune with an old saying “tis better to give than to get.”
And in conclusion, some festive irritations:
Running out of adhesive tape on Christmas Eve
Being forced to go to Mass
Constant Christmas carols on the television
“Poppers in” who were not invited
Invitation sent to an “ex “ because the folks still like her