Challenges in the beauty industry

Recently, this billion-dollar industry has discovered that what was known as “the mass market brands” are now suffering deep pain.

Among teens, losses are occurring, as make-up sales have diminished somewhat as interest in this commodity is now less fashionable.

However, greater interest is growing in the ethnic market.  Assumably, the previous attitude of black men disliking “painted ladies” has evolved into some acceptance.

The greatest positives could have been established by mainly black celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, and Naomi Campbell appearing in Vogue magazines & showcasing their inherent beauty.  

Some stats reveal that sections of the market are flourishing.

In well-established countries ` black is beautiful but in rural areas, still not accepted by men folk – what then is the standard of beauty in Africa?

There is hardly any “copycat” effect due to so many varied races due to relocations and migrations around the planet.

In one way, the make-up industry is being energized by an outpouring of “post-pandemic” freedom.

If one takes a world-view, regarding the quality of cosmetics, the seven countries that produce some of the finest are :

Switzerland, Poland, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Japan & Germany, and “The people’s Republic of China”.  

According to some statistics, the best natural brand in South Africa is “Pradiance” with natural healing for sun damage with extracts from the Kigelia Afrikana tree.

Matsimela will soon be launching an exciting ethnic skincare range called ‘MATSi’ – comprising of a gentle facial soap, exfoliating facial mask, toner & facial cream. Focusing on even tone and creating the perfect complexion for all skin types, look out for this range soon!