We commence in JAPAN with seasonal food, this contained in a giant KFC bucket providing ample food for all ! 

Another oddity is to toss shoes over the shoulder, out of the front door.  At least this minimizes the usual excessive seasonal flurry!

As far back as 1974, this KFC food chain developed an illustrious business in Japan.

NORWAY having a glorious climate for a white Christmas, has a passion to hide broomsticks around the house, essentially to stop witches and evil spirits from stealing.

Important is the “Julebord” translated to Christmas table, with servings of roasted pork belly and glogg; their type of wine.

Unique is a “sleepover” in an ice hotel, luxurious in accommodation and food.

Still in northern realms, SWEDEN has subtle decorations, nothing gaudy, but a unique, huge straw goat, a buffet meal, gingerbread cookies and rice pudding served in the evening.

After these activities someone could dress up as “Tomte“, a gnome relevant to Father Christmas or Santa Clause.

In UKRAIN, spiders have much significance due the sadness of a poor widow, who had nothing but an ordinary bare tree that was miraculously decorated with spider webs, having strands of silver and gold. To this day, according to folklore, spiders have significance in the country.

The locals create a meal consisting of wheat, honey and poppy seeds. This if tossed upward, and remains on the ceiling, is indicative of a good harvest in the following year !

In MEXICO members of the church enact pastorales, religious tales, the significance being the journeys of Joseph and Mary.

In contrast in the PHILIPPINES, a huge, dazzling spinning lantern is created with thousands of lights,  illuminating the night sky significant of the star of Betlehem.

In conclusion, the many Christians in INDIA could follow some traditions as mentioned below.

The baking of a fruitcake “ Allahabadi “ flaky biscuits named Mathri and walnut fudge,

Some folks use banana and mango leaves for décor , Mango being a sacred fruit.

Whether readers are in the throes of Christmas preparations or still in the process of planning , this is without doubt a challenging time of year !