Many complexities arise when defining beauty in humanity, and the natural world for that matter.

Not only within human society but also in nature and the animal kingdom, undue criticism is often directed for reasons that remain mysterious!

When it comes to the female form, several issues emerge, such as jealousy, inaccuracies, and misconceptions.

Beautiful women often face a paradoxical reality: while they may receive compliments, they are equally subject to nastiness and criticism.

There is a perception that appearance is the “be-all and end-all.” Unfortunate remarks, degrading comments from others, and assumptions that beauty equates to privilege are common. People may speculate that wealth comes easily to beautiful women, branding them as “gold diggers” enjoying lavish lifestyles without recognizing the challenges they face. The idea that beauty alone guarantees rewards, like wealthy partners or husbands, is a flawed oversimplification.

Critics sometimes bolster their egos with assumptions that beauty is only skin deep. However, many beautiful women hold high-ranking positions as advocates, surgeons, or political leaders, proving that appearance is not the sole determinant of one’s value or success.

Negative criticism often stems from public insecurities and assumptions rooted in self-doubt, with individuals blaming others for their diminished social positions.

Historically, competitive beauty events have served as entertainment. In America, such contests included categories like dogs, chickens, flowers, children, and, notably, the “most handsome” woman in the USA.

Photographs also played a role in selections, and commercial beauty contests began in “Olde” England around the 1850s.

England’s May Day celebrations, for example, traditionally involved the crowning of beauty queens.

One might wonder why black beauty contests are less common. Several reasons contribute, including variations in skin color, height, and race. However, in Africa, some individuals celebrated for their facial structures, height, and beauty have participated in such events.

Believe it or not, beauty contests even appear in the Bible! Esther, a young Jewish woman living in Persia, was chosen as a “beauty queen” in her time.

Do Muslim countries permit beauty pageants? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Pageants such as “Miss Arab World” and “Miss Grand Iran” showcase beauty in Muslim cultures. Some of the most beautiful women in the world hail from the Middle East, and they deserve to be celebrated for their splendor.

Women in Saudi Arabia are now permitted to enter “The Miss Universe Pageant,” where prizes include cash, bouquets of flowers, and crystal jewels.