A brief look at Pigment alterations in man and animals

This is a complex topic, therefore the knowledge gained by researching this, has to be relatively simplified.

Originally during the eras of evolution, all of homo sapiens investigations revealed that skin was of a dark nature and richer in melanin. However, fast forward around plus minus 50,000 years later,  skin began to appear lighter. Science believes that an increase of vitamin D could have contributed.

It was discovered that females had lighter skins than their male counterparts, possibly due to the fact that calcium plays a role in lactation diminishing some pigment.

Survival was of utmost importance, but eventually became socially significant.

Darker skinned Africans became imminent about 1.2 million years ago – greater in number in tropical regions.

Within northern areas of the world, people generally had much lighter skins, but eventually cross-cultural habits eroded any originality.

A common phrase exists that we now live in a “melting pot of society“ – well describing the modern world with an immense mix of culture and colour.

Albeit that colour does can play a role in society, differences within one country can be evident. India for example has a melting pot of colour, a good representation of the idiom.

Being the lighter skins in the north, and darker in the south, this not necessarily creating a classification of class.

At this point, it is worth changing the topic of race to focus on different colours, that are not inherent, but could alter for a few reasons being medical or of personal choice.

Ignoring choices ` skin can become red due to any of the following :

Medication, fear (flight & fright), hormonal changes, highly spiced food and severe sunburn due to capillary congestion are some examples.

In contrast, when the skin becomes pale and colourless, extreme cold is usually the reason, as the body “realizes“ that the internal organs need ample blood supply.

Animals too can be derived of pigment, a classic example the White lions of Africa, a boom for tourism !

In conclusion, definition of colour has changed enormously and will continue to do so.