With waste being a huge issue, packaging of the future should be cruelty-free, correctly recycled, easily degradable and should clients be adaptable, bring their own bags for their purchases. Should businesses have the logo FSC, organic ingredients would have come from well-managed forests.
With a greater number of “no fuss” rules being put in place for the beauty industry, a new climate of honesty and transparency is a challenge for manufacturers.
In terms of client’s glamour, “underplay” is becoming the buzzword, and a reminder of the apparel worn in other eras especially over-dressing the mode being replace with jeans, T-shirts and sneakers!
In the industry, head-to-toe fussy products are being down -with products suitable for the body, neck, and hands.
Milk treatments are gaining in popularity and Matsimela has launched one for bathing and showering.
Previously, models for fashion shoots would arrive with an entourage often resulting in models looking older, plastered with make-up instead of a gentler look, more about identifying with the companies and their own identity.
In terms of minimizing, kits are becoming available with water to activate dry ingredients found in shampoo, cleansers and hand washers packaged in one box.
Consultants behind beauty counters could be a thing of the past, as cubicles will facilitate a client’s privacy, avoiding the glares and questions of passersby, generally only inquisitive and not genuine purchasers.
Exciting changes lie ahead and Matsimela is right up front, well aware of keeping up with the new trends.