A lonely bachelor, who had never left his simple, isolated home in Northern England, decided to venture into a ‘brief’ exploration in five countries.
As seen below with their differing cultural norms and at times peculiarities, a brave endeavour for such a man!
However, Scotland being somewhat closer to home, was encouragement for his first stop and to his horror, sighted men who wore skirts named kilts, partaking of meals called Haggis, a ghastly mix of animal organs packed into a sheep stomach!

This being most unpleasant enough for him, he crossed the English Channel and was lured northwards to NORWAY, preparing himself for pickled herring for breakfast and the be told of famous trolls, creatures of legend whom, if appearing out of caves, could be helpful to humans.

Not quite convinced of these peculiarities, he built up courage and engaged in a long journey to TURKEY wherein he entered one of the greatest monuments on earth; Haga Sophia, an ancient artifact, the most beautiful grand Mosque.
The Turks were most hospitable, and they and tourist alike, pinned on their garb – a glassy object the blue Evil Eye, worn continually to ward off bad energy!
Turks are known for their love of cats, as was Mahommed the Prophet, resulting in millions of felines in the country, not treated as strays but as pets.
Muslims generally are known to love cats due to their cleanliness.

As he was in an Eastern country, and longed to travel further, NEPAL by all accounts sounded most interesting, having a thousand temples and 126 ethnic communities. He encountered one community the Rai people, having beautifully adorned women, he contemplated if they could join him for a ‘cuppa’ this being a common term for tea in England!
He was fortunate to come across a few “babas“ – the Sadhus, mysterious holy men of the Himalayas, dusted with ash, draped in simple robes and scalps covered with headlocks, and achieving food and money from communities as they travelled on foot. Our tourist was intrigued by the relaxed atmosphere, and that the monkey population was more than welcome to engage with the local community!

Becoming quite the tourist by now, he had a longing to stop off in at least one part of Africa.
The last & final leg of his journey to Africa was difficult, but remaining nearer to Europe, he decided on ETHIOPIA; a fascinating country with natural wonders, beautiful women & once colonized by Europe.
Fascinating ` being the Danakil Depression, the lowest point of Africa!
Some of their greatest tourist attractions are the “underground” churches hewn out of rock, an incredible task for those who attempted this mission.
Ethiopia is a dream for vegans, as they follow orthodox Christianity in some regions, defining the killing of animals for food.

In conclusion this journey took him 6 years, 15 pairs of shoes, unknown kilometers & notably his most precious item was his camp equipment.
The journey summed up as unbelievably interesting, educational and enormously fun for our traveler Mister Smith!