We often hear the phrase, “the more, the better,” but this doesn’t hold true when it comes to our planet’s current state. Humanity’s relentless pursuit of mass consumption has led to numerous environmental disasters, reminding us that more isn’t always better.

Traditionally, wealth has been associated with accumulation, but new perspectives suggest that mindful consumption is a better way to sustain our future. Many items, for instance, can be reused or recycled, which reduces waste and lessens the impact on our planet.

In South Africa alone, an estimated 122 million tons of waste are generated each year from sources like food, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and demolition. Poor waste management, overpopulation, limited education, and societal complacency are significant contributors. No nation, especially those with well-established governmental structures, can afford to ignore the consequences of poor waste practices.

On a local level, communities can come together to discuss ways to minimize waste. Rather than discarding items, we can focus on donating to those in need. Similarly, the fashion industry is a major culprit in waste production. Fast fashion trends, driven by constantly changing seasons and styles, result in massive textile waste. Roughly 80% of textiles end up in landfills, and those made with synthetic materials contribute to microplastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Water scarcity is another critical issue. Once considered abundant, water is now a luxury in many regions. In South Africa, increasing water shortages have forced people to buy water for daily needs. Our animals and gardens also depend on water, which can be supplemented by using gray water (wastewater) for non-potable purposes. The recent floods in certain areas may seem like a solution to water shortages, but scientists predict that South Africa could face severe water scarcity by 2025.

In a world full of diversity and differing perspectives, it is essential to apply common sense when it comes to environmental conservation. By reducing waste, reusing resources, and considering sustainable alternatives, we can collectively make a positive impact on our planet’s future. Together, we can preserve resources and ensure that our environment thrives for generations to come.