A simple definition would describe ‘burnout’ as a lack of fuel thus resulting in limited performance or break down of a commodity.
Unfortunately the “commodities” we speak of are our fellow human beings and millions of people miss work daily due to fatigue and stress; this taking a toll on businesses and family life.
It seems as though the planet is spinning faster than ever before, and time is being ridiculously consumed reminding one of that old saying “Slow down buddy” being totally archaic and not in tune with today’s lifestyles.
In our present environment, it appears that matters are not going to change any time soon as burnout can become an insidious epidemic. In the work environment, many are often expected to carry out tasks of which they are not capable due to management pressures and in the manufacturing sector a disruption to the flow of goods can be catastrophic.
For victims, this can become a dreadful landslide into darkness with consequences like loss of employment, diseases and disturbance of family values.
Should “Joe Soap” be inflicted with this devastating condition, he will experience a state of emotional, physical and psychological exhaustion. As the work load builds, so does the stress of maintaining a good home life, not to mention social media – a constant commitment in keeping abreast.
He may drink excessive amounts of alcohol, sleep badly and fast forward the button on life in an attempt to bank and eliminate his past issues, which in reality still exist.
I would imagine that very few people live without stress, unless they are enveloped in a different world, that is decisions made not to be caught up in technology and devote time simply to what best suits their lifestyles, literally cocooning oneself in the past!
It is said that the West endures greater stress than elsewhere and yet if we observe the Chinese for example who grind at the wheel with such persistence and determination and yet have an admirable complacency, what fuels the stress epidemic is technology and we are all in way or another addicted.
China is not excempt from the fast pace of life, but their 5000 year culture is advantageous. Foot massage is carried out regularly which identifies which organs in the body are problematic as is meditation, acupuncture and Tai Chi a form of meditation in motion.
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