This article intends to showcase the interesting viewpoints regarding the color red. Blood, bold red within the circulatory system, has fascinated mankind for centuries. There are many different philosophical views on this liquid, not only for sustaining life but also for its common occurrence during sacrificial events. Strangely, Charles Darwin, with all his scientific knowledge, could not stand the sight of blood!

The color red emerges in fashion, cosmetics, and home decor, consistently upholding financial significance for numerous industries. The origins of blood are widespread. One theory suggests that mineral water emerging from a vent in the Pacific Ocean contained bacteria capable of forming life, which is an alternative to all biblical versions.

It is thought that in early times, lipstick was used by the Sumerians in the Indus Valley. However, as early as 5,000 years ago, the Babylonians, intrigued by red, attained the color by crushing carmine beetles. At one time, to obtain gloss, fish scales were used to supply a pearlescent appearance.

Red is a primary color, significant in blood. However, the strength of red is highly significant in our daily lives, such as in nature, food, cosmetics, allergies, and injuries. Red has also been notable in many societies, sometimes considered ‘cheap’ by the upper classes.

It is inevitable that within society, lower classes will exist, such as “the Bloods” – referring to a gang during the 1970s that insulted higher society, causing their blood to boil.

Blood brothers were gang-related, and a blood moon reflects a red hue. Red also refers to “turning red” with embarrassment, and a “red herring” refers to interference during a conversation.

Rednecks were classified as rural, uneducated whites in America, downgraded by the upper classes.

Changing the subject, the color red is highly significant in terms of the dermal layer of the skin, as illustrated below. The discomfort of sunburn, moments that arouse fear or embarrassment, allergic reactions, diseases like rosacea, acne, excessive scouring of the epidermis, alcohol effects, and many more…

In conclusion, red will always be alluring for feminine lips, and to clarify, there is no boredom with the realization of the following shades from which one can choose: pink, cherry, burgundy, brick, and brown-red!