With minimal common sense and driven by a lifestyle focused on survival, one can consider the “cave man”—a representative of primitive humans who, two million years ago, consumed about 2,500 calories per day.
Yet no such diet as theirs would appease the population of these times.
In order to stay alive, and given that animals were seasonal, food came from large game or smaller creatures like rabbits, elk, and fish, especially if their lifestyle was near the coast or rivers.
A myth exists that these people were raving carnivores, which is historically not wholly accurate, as cave people loved their greens! Ten thousand years ago, these folks had access to milk, but for some reason, it was deemed inappropriate within their diets.
The timeline of human intelligence spans millions of years, though the great apes showed early signs of slow abilities in tool-making and searching for food.
Mankind slowly evolved alongside dramatic changes to the planet, resulting in a greed for power and destruction of the environment, of which we are well aware.
However, from a cosmetic point of view and in terms of body cleanliness, many of the old home “recipes” and ancient skin care methods from various countries have survived.
A perfect example of success can be attributed to a Polish wig maker, Max Factor, the man who changed the faces of women, starting in Hollywood at the dawn of the movie industry. His products originated in the 1950s and are available to this day.
However, the industry is now facing critical issues regarding harmful chemicals and plastics, but a number of major companies are taking steps to support a less degraded environment. Many cosmetic industries have woken up to the fact that savvy consumers are taking note and questioning manufacturing methods.
The components in MATSIMELA’s unique ranges are ethically sourced, and animal cruelty is avoided at all costs.