Gift includes a handmade cosmetic bag with:
200ml Cooling Kalahari Salt Scrub
A pure Kalahari Salt Scrub that will exfoliate & refresh tired feet.
Using slow circular movements, exfoliate the feet or the desired body part. Do not press too
hard, let the salt to the work! Rinse well with water.
100ml Refreshing Foot Crème
A foot crème specially formulated to eliminate odour, moisturize, exfoliate and keep squeaky clean.
Massage onto dry feet, focusing on heels and dry areas. Use firm upward strokes
until fully absorbed.
100ml Revitalizing Leg & Foot Gel
A refreshing light-based gel containing actives to revitalize tired legs and feet
Apply on dry skin whenever legs and feet feel swollen or tired. Massage with large circular
movements from the ankle up until fully absorbed. Wash hands after applying.